Wednesday, April 1, 2009


Which part of cat that you are scared off?

This exercise we have to create a part of kitten or cat that can fear everybody in this world.

I picked the tail and as you can see I added torn on it so that it can create an scary image of the cat.

Poem, the beauty of words

For this exercise, we were ask to write a poem about LOVE, LIFE, MAN and WOMEN.


sometimes it makes you cry,
sometimes it makes you sweat,
sometimes it makes you fly,
sometimes you can just feel the heat,
it's spicy, it's hurt, but you cant just stop loving,
that just human.


when it goes faster it just feel better,
when it's stop moving, doesn't mean you have to stop[ living.


womens like to play dirty,
obviously they are untidy,
but not all women are that bad,
because they are the one who makes us best in bed.

Well, this is the best I can came out with. Mind my words ladies :)

How Mergers Go wrong

Pick two animals and combine it and turn it into something new. Can the creature survive?

As you can see from the images, I pick an eagle and fish and turn it into this creature called FLY FISH. Well, in reality they just can survive together. Fish lives under the water and an eagle cant. How can they survive? Animals live in different environment, that just it.