Monday, February 23, 2009

Bill Gates - Avatar

This is the best that I can come out with. I used 3 images and manipulate it to this. As you can see there, I cut out Bill Gates's head in the images and replace it with a monitor and not to forget Microsoft's logo, I placed it on the monitor. There is the result. I used Adobe Photoshop to make this. It symbolize that Bill Gates is the inventor of computer and Microsoft.

He was born on Oct 28, 1955. He grew up in Seattle. William H. Gates II is his father was a Seattle attorney
and his late mother, Mary Gates, was a schoolteacher, University of Washington regent, and chairwoman of United Way International.

Bil Gates
is chairman of Microsoft Corporation. In fact, he is the worldwide leader in software, services and solution that help people around the world especially businesses rea
lize their actual potential. Believe it or not Microsoft had revenues of US$51.12 billion for the fiscal year ending June 2007, and employs more than 78,000 in 105 countries and regions. Now, he is the most rich people in the whole world but I'm sure he starts from bottom. There is no easy way to sucessful. Miracle can happen but often we heard it comes real?

He has give a big impact to our society. Computer have become the most powerful tool in the world and thanks to Bill Gates for it. A great man with a great ability.

"We've really achieved the ideal of what I wanted Microsoft to become" - Bill Gates

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Creativity needs personality

Last week, I had to create an avatar for my partner based on the questions that I given to him. Those question basically to find characteristics of my partner so that I could you use it as a guide to create his avatar. What I've learn from this exercise is actually every work we do must have the originality. People will recognize us through the art work. For an instance, LAT The Kampung Boy. The character has its own personality. People recognize Lat's art work through the drawing of the character. There are no other characters looks like Lat's. Anime or Manga is among the common character we see nowadays. Some people are influenced by this character and apply it on their drawings. That is what I seen.

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Creative + Creativity = ?

I can't really tell what the differences between creative are and creativity but I do know both words refer to something unique. Things that you don't see it every day, something that beyond the wall which you have to think about it out of the box. I believe everybody has their own creativity wheather through writing, drawing, photography, music, graphic and etc.

Well, I'm sure ideas don't come easily otherwise it won't be interesting. Some said creative people are not stable mentally but I guess somehow it's true. I'm not saying all creative people are insane but maybe the way their think is different from other people. Maybe there are more sensitive and details. For an example, when you're being painted or photographed, there is a sense of intimacy that is uncomfortably strong
. Every each of your being, your face particularly in a portrait is being observed and analyzed. You won't help feeling ashamed, unless you're a really confident person. You would smile to feel normal again, but he knows you're trying to hide your emotions. You would move your head hither and thither trying to avoid that awkward gaze but then he would ask you to stay still. You would look down and blushing, but he would need your eye contact to get into your soul. That is how creative people make to other people. They will hunt your soul down and they will get into you just to produce something unusual. That is what I see in creative people.

Basically creative people deal with advertising. That's their playground. Even though their dealing with the same thing but how their deliver it to people is what matter. What type of form they are using as a tool to deliver it that is what makes it different.

Her Morning Elegance - Directed by Oren Lavie

I found out this video is so cool. It's a stop motion video which I'm sure consisting of more than thousand images for 3-4 minutes duration. What makes this video interesting is because it was produced using one location, one camera angle and all the tool that been using are basically pillow, blanket and clothes. You can see the movement, location, weather changes in the video. It was simple but yet very powerful in content. It must take lots of courage since its deal with time. Every single change need to be captured. I guess suffering does lead to greater artistic and creative achievement. Suffering means that you've been through something of significance. With that in mind, if you are inspired by something of significance, it will likely come through in your work. If you are inspired by things your wiener tells you, you're not going to have a masterpiece on your hands. (by JoeyGoebel)

*I have problem uploading the video*

In these times of too-often mundane culture, just how drastic a measure is needed to bring true creativity back into the world?